Back To School Night is Thursday, September 26, 2024 from 4 pm to 7 pm Whto expect: Dinner and "Meet and Greet" with teachers and staff, "how to" tables (ie. PTA, NYCSA), raffles, music and entertainment and more!at
Attention Middle School Families Attention Middle School Families BTECH’s mission is to combine academic excellence with technical aptitude, thus empowering students to be successful in our modern, information-based global economy and community. We believe for students to succeed professionally and academically they need an education based on technology, innovation, thinking, problem-solving and one that builds character.If you and your family are interested in exploring what BTECH has to offer, we encourage you to attend our Open House. This event will provide you with a comprehensive overview of our programs and give you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. To receive more information about our Open House, please click here. We look forward to seeing you there and assisting you in making an informed decision about your child's education.
School Supply List for BTECH and Information for First Day of School Student schedules will be given out on the 1st day of school (Thursday, September 5, 2024). NYCSA accounts will also have finalized schedules by the first day of school. Attached is the Supply list for incoming students. Please click on the link for more information.
Principal Henry's Family Meeting Video Now online Please watch the video from Ms. Henry's Family Meeting. Click on the video link.
June Regents- Algebra Administration - June 4 As a reminder, on the morning of Tuesday, June 4, 2024 all New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) will administer the Algebra I Regents Examination. All other Regents Administration window: June 14-June 26.At this juncture, all students who are scheduled to sit for the Algebra exam tomorrow have been notified. Please be advised that regular classes will NOT be in session due to testing. Students will only attend school when they have a scheduled Regents Examination during the Regents Administration window. All morning Regents exams begin promptly at 9:15 a.m. Students should report to their assigned room no later than 9 a.m. Regents exams are three hours long ending at 12:15 a.m. and 4:15 p.m. respectively. Students who receive extended time on exams must report by 8:15am ( Noted on their invitation).
BTECH Remote Instructional Day (Feb 13, 2024) due to snow storm Today, Tuesday, February 13, 2024 is a remote day for BTECH and the NYC Department of Education. All students are expected to attend live instruction with their teachers and follow their regularly scheduled program for the day virtually on Google Meet.
BTECH in the News: Student innovators launch biz in QV Please click here to read the article about BTECH student innovators in the Queens Chronicle.
Welcome Back! First Day of School is Thursday, September 7, 2023 Welcome Back!We are excited to welcome you back tomorrow, Thursday, September 7th at 8:00 am for your first school day of the 2023-24 Academic Year.Student schedules will be distributed tomorrow in their 1st Period Classes.Additionally, schedules will be viewable in student's NYCSA accounts by Thursday.Students: Please check back tomorrow for updated information.
Important News for QCC Pathway and Year 5/6 Students Attention QCC Pathway and Year 5/6 Students:Fall Semester Classes start this Friday, August 25th (for anyone who has a Friday course)! QCC Academic Calendar: QCC Students are now registered in CunyFirst. Please check your accounts to ensure you are scheduled for the following:Juniors: English 101 AND either BU201 (BT Major) or ET710 (IIT Major)Seniors: Econ 101, MA119 AND either MA121 (Bus Majors) or ET713 (IIT Major)Year 5/6: Check in with Ms. L.We would also like to congratulate our FIRST cohort of students accepted into the Baruch Business Academy through QCC! Once these students complete their requirements, they will receive automatic admission into Baruch's Zicklin School of Business, Congratulations! Keon KuntzJada StoneJahshaneke BrownMarie JulesFaith GuzmanAaliyah ThompsonKelis Barnswell